
Hello, I’m Kyle. Currently I work as a data scientist at Melange. Previously I was a research associate at the IC2 Institute, an interdisciplinary think tank at UT Austin, where I worked closely with Matt Kammer-Kerwick at the Bureau for Business Research and Dr. Ying Ding at the AI Health Lab, and was supported by UT Good Systems. While a research associate, I also took leave to study AI alignment through ARENA and MATS (Phase I of Neel Nanda’s stream). Before that I was an undergraduate at UT Austin where I received my bachelor’s degree in mathematics with honors and was a National Merit Scholar. In my free time I am interested in neural network interpretability and forecasting, and enjoy playing basketball.

If anything here interests you, or you would otherwise like to chat, please reach out at kylecox2000@gmail.com.

My sister and I in New York City
My sister and I in New York City